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In a previous post I reviewed the Little Reader software, which is the meat and potatoes of this program. It was $150, and for $100 more, you can get the Deluxe version with the physical products I review in this video. We have been using Little Reader for a couple of months now, and we are seeing some amazing results. I love the convenience of the software. It takes much less screen time to do Little Reader then it did to watch DVDs, while being more effective.
The story books are very cute. They are my favorite part of the whole program. The start out very easy, but even the easy versions are stories. Children know the difference between readers and real story books, and these books have the feel and quality of the real thing. In the first video, you can watch my 1-year-old read one of these books. This was 2 weeks after we got Little Reader, and it was his first book. However, he already knew his sight words from “Meet the Sightwords“, and most of the animals from “Your Baby Can Read”. Learning individual words is fairly easy, but putting it all together for story reading was one of the most challenging parts of teaching my oldest to read. This becomes even more challenging when you consider that my little boy is still speaking with 2-4 word sentences. In essence, he can read better than he can talk. Reading full sentences has really helped him with his speech development. The BrillKids Little Reader storybooks have made that process of reading full books easy. The practice from these storybooks has helped my 3-year-old expand her reading abilities, as well has develop her confidence to do so.
Here is more detail about what is included in the Deluxe package.