Search and Find

The next time your children spill wheat all over the floor and you don’t want to eat it or waste it, try making your own search and find toy like we did.  Although my little children like to look for individual items, this is more of a novelty item that our guests like to play with.  We made extra and gave them away as gifts.  There are 20 items.  Some, like the nail and the penny, are really hard to find!   Here is what we used:
1.                  toothpick
2.                  pawn
3.                  glow-in-the-dark star
4.                  push pin
5.                  a slice of straw
6.                  macaroni noodle
7.                  die (singular dice)
8.                  ladybug pendant
9.                  clear glass pebble
10.              metal from a clothes pin (this one throws everybody off!)
11.              pony bead
12.              button
13.              small balloon (tied off)
14.              safety pin
15.              paper clip
16.              paper brad
17.              small turquoise rock
18.              penny
19.              screw
20.              nail


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