Water Fun

About a year ago I created a PVC Pipe Activity for the kids, which has become a favorite toy.  Recently we purchased a small pool for our kids to play in and we invented a new use for the pipes.  Hey, they are actually made for transporting water, so we gave them a chance to do their job.  To connect the pipes to our hose, I had to go back to Home Depot and purchase two adapters.  One was an adapter for the hose to 1/2″ pipe, and the other was an adapter from threaded pipe to smooth pipe.  My siblings came over and we had a blast, but I forgot to take pictures and we had a hard time getting the sprinkler to work because there were too many loose ends.  I went back to the store and bought eight end-caps and invited my siblings back so I could blog about it, haha.

The other thing that I did is to take my husband’s drill and go to town on a few of the pieces.

I did a straight line on this one…

While I had the drill out, I also took a five-gallon bucket and recreated a game we played at Camp Hunt when I worked at a Boy Scout camp.  I drilled several holes into the bucket.  Then have several smaller buckets and you try to fill the bucket up as a team.  Some dump water in, and others block the holes with their fingers and toes.  Filling the bucket is nigh impossible, but it’s fun to try.  The smaller buckets had holes drilled into them too, so they are a fun thing to play with on their own.  When we are done, we store all of the water toys in the big bucket.


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