Preschool Resources

Glenn Doman’s Gentle Revolution series
These are the books that changed my perspective on early education and started my journey of homeschooling my tiny children.
Child and Me
This website is made by one of my cyber-friends, and it has been invaluable to me. Especially helpful are the many power-point presentations to show your tiny children. She also maintains a blog highlighting her homeschooling experiences.
Toddler Curriculum
A free curriculum with specific age suggestions. She shares ideas for literature, religion, poetry, speech and vocabulary development, games, musical exploration, foreign languages, nature study, and arts and crafts.
Starfall Reading Program
We LOVE this site! This is an interactive reading program that has given us the entertainment side of learning to read. For a baby, it is an activity for you to do with your child because you will serve as the clicker to keep things moving. This website truly made a big difference in teaching my son his letters.
Brill Baby
This website offers free power point presentations and an online forum. They are also a company with products designed to help you teach the Doman method.
The Children’s Reading Foundation
A website that has helped Susan begin homeschooling her son.
International Parenting Association
Printable flashcards that more-or-less follow the Doman method. The reading program combines whole-word reading and phonics by teaching phonemes in the context of words. I really liked it and made my own. There are also helpful reviews for Doman’s books.
!tzalist Science Directory
Internet website directory with a lot of great science websites.
Mormon Nursery Manual
I am LDS (a Mormon), and religion plays a very important part in our education. This is the manual that they use to teach the toddlers on Sunday, but it was also designed for home and family use. The whole manual may be downloaded for free.


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